Sunday, May 28, 2006


Watch the video
This is a wee sample of Chicken Rice's set back in '04. I remember my brother was here visiting. We took the bus from Chao Ma and this guy was on it! Same outfit too. In '05 he had a full beard. I don't think they made it down this year. Taiwanese rockabilly at its best!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

ATASH also by Les Arthur at John's in-laws' place out in the country...
STREET PONG by Les Arthur starring Uncle and John Cool.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Watch the video

Balls to the wall sound masters ROCKETGIRL are not currently playing anymore. Perhaps one day they'll rise again like a dragon from a cave to spread their special brand of mayhem.

All video taken from the Spring Scream Monkey Show, 2004...

Friday, May 12, 2006

same show as yesterday

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

this is from spring scream 2005 (rooster)

dynamite club played a great show in the rain.

look for video later..

power struggle

There's been a war and Captain Whiteblog has been dethroned. Again more retooling. I was just not in love with that last template. This one seems a better fit. It feels like citrus peels.

Monday, May 08, 2006


I just had to say something about May. And mark the spike in humidity here in central Taiwan. It's happened in the last 2-3 days and i think it's here to stay. Summer's just gettin' warmed up.

Late this year. Coolest April ever.