Friday, December 15, 2006

Thanks again to Charlie Taylor for venturing 'over the mountains' from Hualien to play at the Grooveyard Wednesday night. I had a blast!

I so rarely get out during the week anymore, but once I'd settled the family in for the night, I hit the road and got to Grooveyard by 9:30...

There was an experimental jazz trio playing when I got there so Charlie went on around eleven and played a solid set featuring Eternal Hangover in Hell, Women, Southern Comfort, Ain't No Hippie, Rockin in the R.O.C., the "you're a little bit fat but your face is pretty" song (I Want You?), a beautiful version of Turning Women Gay - the crowd really got into that one.

And a few new ones on me, Dear Santa for one and the encore which Charlie introduced as having been played only once before live and that this would probably be the last time he ever played it. Too bad, good song.

I can't recall the name now, but I thought it was an appropriate closer for the raucous crowd who had lined up to see Charlie in his only Taichung performance of the season...

Patty got the video, would love to see some of that rendered.

Roger played bass and high-hat.

Sorry to hear about .22's bassist Steve Taylor breaking his arm recently. Best wishes Steve, heal up quick!

Charlie said he's going to play a show in Hualien before he heads off to winter on the beaches of Koh Chang in Thailand...

Safe travels Charlie and see you in the Spring!

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